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The signs tell people to stay out- the area is closed because of bear activity.

The signs tell people to stay out- the area is closed because of bear activity.

We’ve had several sets of visitors to our new little homestead over the past couple of weeks. My college roommate stopped by for a night, and it was great to catch up. Mr. Gecko’s friends stopped by, and it was lovely to meet them IRL. Their little son ran around with Sugar, stole her Kong, and sat in her water fountain, making us all laugh.

Jackson Lake with Mt Moran in the background.

Jackson Lake with Mt Moran in the background.

Mr. Gecko’s parents stopped by, too, and stayed for a week. The weather was amazing while they were here.
DSC_0007We took them to see wildlife.DSC_0023 DSC_0085We drove up Signal Mountain Road, which was a first for me, and enjoyed the view.

The valley floor here has large dips left over from the glaciers.

The valley floor here has large dips left over from the glaciers.

DSC_0101We also took some of the side roads in the park.

The view from Jenny Lake Overlook. The last time I was here, the lake was still covered in ice.

The view from Jenny Lake Overlook. The last time I was here, the lake was still covered in ice.

Out at Lupine Meadows

Out at Lupine Meadows

We even went on a lake cruise out to Elk Island.

Mt Moran

Mt Moran

The Tetons from Elk Island

The Tetons from Elk Island

Skillet Glacier. Again.

Skillet Glacier. Again.

I took them out looking for moose and bear one evening. We did not find a bear, but we did stop and look way off into the bushes for this moose.DSC_0091On the way home, this moose ran across the road in front of us, so they got a much closer look.

Low light + running car= blurry blue picture

Low light + running car= blurry blue picture

They also met our newest neighbor on their last day.

Fox out the back window

Fox out the back window

It’s been great having guests, and we’ve got more coming soon.DSC_0070